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Monday, February 28, 2022

Tara Weintritt of the WPG Selected as Panelist at Globalaw Conference

The Wicker Park Group announced today that Tara Weintritt has been selected as a panelist at the Globalaw conference in Miami in March 2022. Tara Weintritt, along with Barbara Malin (Jackson Walker) and Carrie Hanna (Gunster), will share various approaches to gathering client feedback during the session entitled, “The Value of Gathering Client Feedback: Successful Approaches, Market Trends and Best Practices.” Based on thousands of client interviews and data from the clients’ perspective, the panel will highlight why all firms should consider conducting client feedback to deepen relationships, obtain market intelligence and drive revenue. In less than one hour, attendees will walk away with:

  • Various approaches and best practices to starting a client feedback program
  • Tools, resources and methods to launch and sustain a successful program
  • Why clients value feedback and how to differentiate your firm
  • Questions to consider when conducting feedback



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