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Client Feedback, Service & Teams
2 minute read | 2 months ago

Why Summer is the Perfect Time for a Client Check-In

Photo of Tara Weintritt By: Tara Weintritt

Multiple times in the last two weeks, I have heard some version of: “Let’s do this now before the Fall craziness.”

Summer used to be a time when projects slowed down, people were in and out of the office and work seemed slightly less hectic. Lately, while people are still taking vacations, summer feels a bit busier from a work perspective. Many clients and companies are using summertime and the slower months to make sure they are on track and ready to finish the year strong when September routines return.

While we all need to make time for summer fun, now is the perfect time to check in with your clients to stay connected and aligned for the rest of the year. If you wait to reach out in September or October, your clients’ time and availability may be very limited. Take a moment to reach out to the clients you value and ask for an off-the-clock meeting to touch base.

Topics for your meeting could include:

  • Understanding their successes to date and any challenges they foresee in the next few months
  • If any of their priorities have changed and what they hope to accomplish by the end of the year
  • Internal team changes, hiring needs or introductions to new team members
  • Budget allocation, changes or planning to help them be successful internally
  • Training for businesspeople or junior team members
  • Personal or professional goals you might help them achieve
  • Conferences or events you might be able to attend together or you might be able to share insights from in a few months

We often think of client check-ins towards the end of the year or beginning of a calendar year, but a midyear check-in might be one of the ideal times to spend quality and focused time with your clients.