Why Us

We believe in “One size fits one.”
We approach each engagement with the understanding that one firm’s needs are different from the next. In every case, Wicker Park Group pledges a superior client experience.

We quickly inspire confidence and build trust.
We have devoted our careers to working with in-house counsel and leading law firms. Even partners who were initially skeptical end up eager to work with us. Additionally, our clients are covered by comprehensive Conflicts and Confidentiality Policies.

We know our strengths.
Instead of trying to do everything for every business, we are exclusively focused on strengthening and growing client relationships for leading law firms and other professional service firms.

We do the heavy lifting.
Others can “do surveys” and take information from clients. But then what? We are in the business of creating dramatic client loyalty.

We deliver measureable results.
Our clients often ask, “How were you able to get that information for us?” We routinely uncover information about legal budgets, other firms hired, upcoming RFPs and other opportunities, attorney staffing, suggested communication styles and other invaluable information that is not necessarily brought to light in a standard client interaction or engagement.