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Client Feedback, Service & Teams
2 minute read | 11 months ago

Dispelling the Myth that Clients Are Too Busy to Provide Feedback

Photo of Caitlin White By: Caitlin White

In 2023, Wicker Park Group partnered with ALM Intelligence to better understand the state of client feedback in AmLaw 200 and NLJ 500 law firms in the U.S. Of the firms interviewed, 56% were asking clients for feedback in a meaningful way. The same year, a BTI Consulting report noted that only 21% of clients indicated having high-quality, ongoing dialogue with their main partners outside of matter-related discussions. This obvious disconnect presents an opportunity for firms to differentiate themselves with a thoughtful approach to feedback. 

Lawyers can be hesitant to ask clients for feedback, fearing their clients are too busy or just not interested. However, time and again clients tell us how helpful it is to reflect on the broader relationship, share their expectations and offer insights on how the firm can add more value. Don’t take our word for it—take theirs! 

“A benefit to [the firm] of doing this interview is that it has made me think through the relationship with them. That is not something I would have otherwise done.”

This [interview] was a nice opportunity, and it shows they really do care and that they are good people. It stands out that they are doing this, and it means a lot, too. It reinforces that they are a firm that cares, so I am glad we had this conversation.

“I’m really impressed that they are doing this. Firms don’t do enough of this, and it’s really helpful for us and them, too.

“I think it’s fascinating that [the firm] is doing this. I’ve never been asked to do this by another outside firm. I appreciate the interest the firm has in its clients. It’s funny, there are things you don’t think about until someone asks.

“I think it’s cool that you are doing it. We love feedback here, and it’s really important to do.

“I think it’s great that [the firm and my relationship partner] are doing this. They clearly want to understand us on a pretty candid basis and want to get that feedback. No other firms have ever done this with me.