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Client & Industry Teams Support


As law firms have created internal teams around key clients or industries, they have great need for effective team structure, meeting facilitation and program assessment. It takes an incredible amount of work for firms to first get these teams off the ground, to keep them running and then to ensure they reach goals. Wicker Park Group is well versed in the opportunities and challenges of teams, has established and run them for others and can bring a fresh outside perspective to make them a success.

Depending on your firm’s needs and preferences, Wicker Park Group can also train your firm to facilitate its own client teams. Wicker Park Group is well versed in the opportunities and challenges of teams, has established and run them for others and can bring a fresh outside perspective to make them a success.

Industry Group Market Assessment Case Study


What Else We Do:

UPDATED: Training Programs for 2021-22

Client Experience Training

Client Feedback Interviews

Client Conversations


Client Relationship Roadmap

Competitive Intelligence & Internal Evaluation

Electronic Survey

Matter Assessments & Evaluations

Meeting Facilitation

Speaker Series & Retreats

Workshops: Business Development & One-On-One Coaching Services


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