Matter Assessments & Evaluations
An essential part of providing excellent legal service is evaluating that service with the client’s input. With Mid-Matter Evaluations (MMEs) and Post-Matter Evaluations (PMEs), we help you focus on the unique circumstances of the matter, including project management, billing and achievement of specified and implied goals. Clients communicate their service experiences while your firm further develops client service initiatives and increases client loyalty.
Wicker Park Group has made this process simple by developing a workshop to train key partners and personnel how to effectively conduct matter evaluations and creating a Matter Evaluation Toolkit with the necessary forms, questions, templates and model communications. Should you desire, a member from our team can participate in actual post matter evaluations.
What Else We Do:
UPDATED: Training Programs for 2021-22
Client Experience Training
Client Feedback Interviews
Client & Industry Teams Support
Client Conversations
Client Relationship Roadmap
Competitive Intelligence & Internal Evaluation
Electronic Survey
Meeting Facilitation
Speaker Series & Retreats
Workshops: Business Development & One-On-One Coaching Services